Free to use, this page is a huge time-saver when creating a custom color palette for Cubase.
- Copy/paste hex color values into the Palette base colors box for your new palette. Use colors
from the chart below or any others you prefer. You can also skip this step and use the defaults.
- Click the Shazzam! button.
- Ensure that Cubase is closed before proceeding.
- Locate the Cubase file, "Defaults.xml", which I found here on my PC:
[ "C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase 12_64" ]
Make a copy of it in case you want to restore your current settings.
- Open Defaults.xml in Notepad and find "PColorController". Just below it you'll see "Event Colors".
<string name="Group" value="PColorController"/>
<member name="Values">
<obj class="UColorSet" name="Event Colors" ID="220434672">
<string name="SetName" value="Event Colors" wide="true"/>
<list name="Set" type="list">
<string name="Name" value="Color 1" wide="true"/>
- Starting with the first
<item> line below "Event Colors", select and delete the entire code fragment
down to, but not including, these next lines:
<list name="DefSet" type="list">
- Copy/paste the New Default.xml fragment from the box below at the same location of the lines
you just deleted in Defaults.xml. Cubase will automatically indent it for you.
- Save and close the file.
- Launch Cubase and make a new project. Viola! (or violin...hah!) You should see the new palette.
- You should likewise be able to customize the other color sections of Defaults.xml in similar fashion.
- This page is free to use, but if my work here has saved you some time and effort, do me a solid
and send a few bones my way via PayPal. It would be greatly appreciated! ✌
Sample Results: (click to view)